Category Archives: Obama

Obamanomics: How Failed Policy & Funny Math Have Led to a Delusional Recovery

Barack-Obama-007On Tuesday night’s The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, President Obama sat down with the king of late night and once again misled the American people about the state of our economy—as well as other issues like his signature piece of legislation Obamacare. When Leno asked Obama to comment on an improving economy, the President confidently proclaimed:

“The unemployment rate has been ticking down, and housing is improving.  We’ve seen the deficit cut in half.  Health care costs are actually going up slower than they have in — any time in the last 50 years.  So there are a lot of good trends.”

 All of that sounds nice, and what the people want to hear from their leader, however when you breakdown the latest jobs numbers—as well as begin to understand the soon to be realities of Obamacare—you can begin to fully understand how Obama is disguising an economy on life support.

The 162,000 jobs created in July—weaker than anticipated by many business insiders—still led the Bureau of Labor and Statistics to knock the unemployment rate down from 7.6% to 7.4%.  So how does such a low jobs number make it appear that the economy is improving when we know from history that 250,000 jobs per month are needed to let alone sustain a healthy economy?

The answer is simple; first the bureau does not count the number of people who have either given up looking for employment or dropped out of the workforce all together—which rose to 240,000 individuals. With this many people leaving the workforce you would think there would be a negative impact to the overall unemployment rate—however by changing jobs numbers in April to a lesser number, along with failing to ignore the number of workers who are no longer looking for work, the bureau came up with a net of 227,000 jobs—thus making it seem we are in a healthy economy.

The second part that the President and the bureau don’t tell you, are that of the 900,000 jobs created in 2013, 600,000 are part-time.  This can be given thanks to President Obama’s signature piece of legislation—Obamacare.

Even though the employee mandate has been pushed back by the White House to 2015—happening earlier last month—employers have already begun to prepare for the mandate—which  makes businesses with fifty or more workers who work 30 or more hours per week, provide health care to their employees or pay a tax for each individual not covered.

There you have it; a health care law that has yet to go in place, plus the cooking of the books by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, gives you an economic formula known as Obamnomics. However this failed policy plus phony math cannot hide the real numbers such as the lack luster GDP growth rate at 1.7%, showing we’re nowhere near the 4.0% growth rate we normally see in a healthy growing economy that our campaigner and chief so adamantly claims.

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Obama Hates Guidos?

In 2005 Hurricane Katrina, a category 4, unleashed a savage barrage of lethal flooding and winds. It became the deadliest hurricane since the Okeechobee Hurricane of 1928, with a death toll of 1,833, and one of the most expensive with roughly triple the property damage of Hurricane Andrew in 1992.

However, the big story of Hurricane Katrina, and the most covered, was Kanye West’s “Bush Bashing” during a hurricane relief fundraising program. On NBC’s live program “A Concert for Hurricane Relief” Kanye West took the moment to derail fundraising efforts and preach his judicious view on President Bush’s hurricane response management. Mr. West stated on national television that the reason the relief effort in Louisiana was not helping those in need was because “[the military] has been given permission to go down and shoot us” and “George Bush doesn’t care about black people.”

Hurricane Sandy, a category 1, hit the United States two weeks ago, but as of Saturday there were still 289,239 people without power. Over a quarter of a million people had to live without power in homes, with temperatures below freezing, for almost two weeks. Just yesterday two more people were found dead, raising the total death toll to 85.

The response has been lacking to say the least. The leadership has brought great decisions to the table such as closing FEMA “due to weather” and 1970s style gas rationing throughout New Jersey and New York. The only conclusion I have for this case study of terrible management is “Barack Obama doesn’t care about Guidos.”

Drop the Mike Myers reaction. I think we can all agree that statement is completely bogus. The real cause of this failure to help those in need comes from the fallacy that big government is helpful. Big government isn’t helpful, its the problem. Big government doesn’t bring blankets to those in need, it leaves blankets in Central Park and waits for New York Marathon runners to voluntarily disperse them to those in need. Big government doesn’t get fuel to dying citizens, it waits for an anonymous donor to deliver 8,000 gallons of free gasoline in New York. Big government takes bipartisan photo opts in front of the cameras, while local churches pass out food.

Communities, non-profits, families, and congregations rebuild lives not big government. Local organizations spend their funds more efficiently than the the federal government and understand the issues that plague their local communities. Any person that has called the IRS, waited in line at the DMV, or contacted their congressman knows this to be true. “A Big Storm [Doesn’t] Require Big Government,” big storms require big communities.

“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take everything you have.” – Thomas Jefferson

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Two Choices…Who Will Be The Winner?

In 2008 Americans elected a man they knew only little about.  We knew he was a vibrant and intelligent young man who had just recently been elected to the U.S Senate. We knew he was born in Hawaii and earned degrees from prestigious Ivy league schools, such as Columbia and Harvard. However we did not know what Obama’s vision of “change” really was for America and its people.

Now as we come upon the fall of 2012 we can start to see what Obama’s ultimate vision is for America, through the policies he has put in place, as well as understanding what the “Dreams from his Father” really are for our country.

In the new groundbreaking film 2016: Obama’s America, Dinesh D’Souza shows us that the direction Barack Obama wants for our country is the same of his late father, Barack Obama Sr. From researching our president’s own past through his own memoir, Dreams From My Father, we first learn of Obama’s strong love and idealizing view towards his father, even though they had hardly known own all.

Barack Obama Sr. who was a strong anti-colonialist felt that the great powers of the world such as, the United States and Great Britain, were to be blamed for all the ills of the 3rd world countries though out Africa, South America, and Asia.  He felt capitalism was an evil, and that government should hold the power over the people, rather than power being within the peoples hands.

With Obama’s father dying in Kenya when Barack was only 21, it was then the younger Obama realized that he must finish his father’s work and be the new voice of  father.  So by playing his cards right and coming off as a very likable candidate, Barack Obama worked his way from a State Senate seat in Illinois into the oval office, where he currently is campaigning for a second term.

Knowing this our country has one of the most important decisions it has ever had to make, re-elect President Obama who wants to spread our wealth to others so that we can all be on a level playing field, or pick Gov. Mitt Romney who wants to see our country as something more than just average, but rather exceptional, such as the founding fathers had envisioned in 1776.

By re-electing President Obama we will continue down a road of economic uncertainty, by the massive spending we have seen in his almost 4 years in office.  With a national debt nearing 16 trillion dollars, we can not afford to keep spending the way we are, or we shall end up like a country such as Greece, who has made government entitlements a priority resulting in an economy that could no longer sustain itself.

Continuing spending with the lack of repercussions, as well as poor foreign policy decisions such as ignoring our long time ally of the  Middle East Israel, will put us on the track financially like Greece and weaker as a power for not standing along side our allies.  Most Americans may think this is a radical accusation although when a man who has an anti-colonial view for America, it is not far off from predicting.

So which America shall it be in 2016, the one that has stood above the rest for hundreds of years, defending liberty and democracy at home and abroad, or one that is just another country on the map?

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