Category Archives: Biden

How Well Does Biden Swing His Stick?


Golf is a mental game. After all, Bobby Jones did say that “Competitive golf is played mainly on a five-and-a-half-inch course…the space between your ears.” When Golf Digest recently ranked the Top 150 Political Rankings in Washington, Biden carried an impressive 6.3 handicap. Understandably, when I heard this, I was taken back to say the least. Are we supposed to believe that the politician with the most political gaffes in history, is an expert at any sort of mental game? If this man finished a rubik’s cube the Washington Post would be proclaiming a biblical miracle occurred in Washington. And proclaiming anything biblical for the Washington Post is quite heteroclite.

Let’s assume for a minute that this acclaimed handicap is accurate. It finally solves the mystery of why Biden was selected as the Vice-President for not one, but two terms. Many called for Obama to pick a new vice-president for the 2012 ticket, but these same critics didn’t realize Obama wasn’t looking for a vice-president he was looking for a swing coach, and swing coaches with qualifications to be vice-president are hard to come by. Don’t believe me? On October 17th, at a campaign event in Greeley, CO, Biden said regarding Obama, “You all saw the man that I have sat with everyday, on average of four to six hours a day…” Isn’t that how long it takes to play a round of Golf? Still don’t believe me? Biden spends nearly a $1,000,000 annually to fly on Air Force One with President Obama to Joint Airbase Andrews to play some rounds of golf. Finally, Obama did look at Congressman Udall (ranked 11th), Congressman Yarmuth (ranked 14th), and Congressman Baca (ranked 20th) as Vice-President candidates, but President Obama didn’t think a one term Congressman would be qualified for the stressful position of President. Ironic I know.

While we know Golf Digest hasn’t received any stimulus/shovel ready money yet, I am cautious to accept their handicap numbers for Vice-President Biden. On August 28th, following the Republican National Convention, John Kasich stated, “…Joe Biden told me that he was a good golfer. And I’ve played golf with Joe Biden, I can tell you that’s not true, as well as all of the other things he says.” Governor Kasich joined Congressman John Boehner, Vice-President Biden, and President Obama in a golf match at Andrews Air Force Base in 2011. It wouldn’t be the first time we’ve heard this Eagle’s song “Biden Lies” play before. The official scorecard is poised to be released in 50 years following the release of the Fast and Furious documents.

Whether Biden’s handicap of 6.3 is real or if he is just the greatest “sandbagger” the White House has ever seen, is still up for debate. There is one thing we do know though, perhaps if Biden didn’t spend so much time focusing on his golf game, or helping Obama swing the stick, he wouldn’t have set the bar so low for future Vice Presidential candidates. I think Jimmy Fallon said it best: “…President Obama and Joe Biden spend more than four hours playing golf together. Joe Biden’s handicap is 20, while Obama’s handicap . . . is Joe Biden.”

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