Monthly Archives: July 2013

Celebrate Liberty This July 4th

Fighting for Liberty

Why do we celebrate July 4th?  Most Americans today would tell you that it’s to celebrate our nation’s birth–which would be partially correct–however they probably would not be able to tell you much more than that.

July 4, 1776,  is such an important date in our history not just because we as a people decided to declare ourselves free from British rule–one of the biggest gambles in world history–but in the way we declared our freedom–founded on self evident truths that all men are born with certain inalienable rights; among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Of these truths, liberty is the one that makes America unique.  Time after time, our founding fathers used the word in describing the American experience, including Patrick Henry, who first made the word ominous throughout the colonies in 1775:

What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!

But what is liberty?  We’ve all recited the word thousands of times as children through the Pledge of Allegiance in school, but how is it different from freedom?  Dr. Matthew Spalding, Sr. Fellow of American studies at The Heritage Foundation, has summed it up best, in that anyone or anything–animals, birds, etc.–can be free to do what they want, however only humans can obtain liberty.

Liberty is unique because with the many great freedoms it provides, it also comes with great responsibility.  The founders realized that granting the people freedoms–such as happiness–comes with the knowledge that one’s own happiness must not tread on another’s own natural rights.

This is why it was not necessary to write such a large list of do’s and don’ts during the founding of America. For 237 years the idea of liberty has helped preserve our country and is similar to what an old high school coach told his football team at the beginning of a state championship season. “Guys I don’t make a list of rules for y’all to remember; there’s only one rule I’ve got, do the right thing.”

We as a country have sustained success as well without many rules for a long time.  Sadly when regulation after regulation is put into place on a people–much like a team–the opportunity for success narrows, leading to a lack of team spirit and optimism for a country.

We must–as a people–realize how special the idea of liberty is and rally behind it, because if we don’t–and give into a regulation state–liberty in America, that one thing that makes us unique to all others in the world will be unrecognizable.

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Dr. Barry Gearing Up For 2014


In a convenient decision–with the 2014 midterm elections a little over a year away–the Obama Administration has decided to postpone the implementation of Obamacare for big business.

This comes at the same time as growing concerns that many employers will cut staffs to under 50 full-time employees–and or worker’s hours–to avoid having to provide healthcare for them, or pay a “fine” aka “tax”.

However, individuals who are above the poverty line and do not have health insurance–that  meets the requirements of Obamacare–will still face a fine come March 1, 2014.

So what does this tell us about Mr. Obama?  Well, nothing more than we already know.  He has decided to make this move to protect what good image is still left of him towards his handling of the economy, so that the Democratic ticket will not be spoiled come 2014.

This in turn will give Democrats some hope in 2014 to take back the House that was lost in 2010, not allowing Obama to become a lame duck in his final two years in office.

Obama’s War on Coal is a War on Jobs


Earlier this month, one of President Barack Obama’s top scientific advisors—Daniel P. Schrag—eluded to significant steps the Obama administration is beginning to take on its fight against global climate change.

In a New York Times interview, Schrag pointed out that“the White House is hesitant to say they’re having a war on coal. On the other hand, a war on coal is exactly what’s needed.”

On Tuesday, Schag’s admissions were laid out in a new policy agenda by President Obama to a Georgetown University crowd, siting statistics from a now highly disputed study done by John Cook— author of the overly left leaning science blog, Skeptical Science.

The study came under major scrutiny when journalists from Popular Technology interviewed several scientists—referenced in the study—finding that many were misrepresenting in the final analysis.

The fact is that the debate on global “climate change” is not settled, and that too many differing opinions and theories have been made in the past forty years for our government to take such a significant stance on an issue that affects the lives of so many.

First Americans were warned of “global cooling”—in Peter Gwynn’s 1975 Newsweek article—that warned of a national food shortage due to the mild temperatures of the 1950’s and 60’s.

Then there was former Vice-President Al Gore’s documentary An Inconvenient Truthreleased in 2006—highlighting humanity’s ignorance to “global warming” during the 20th century.

Today skeptics are mixed on what the earth is doing—coming off one of the coldest winters in nearly 100 years—the simple answer is “climate change” because all of that global warming made the earth somehow colder?

President Obama also pointed out in his address that twelve of the past fifteen years have been the warmest ever on earth. Even if this fact is true, America has reached its lowest levels of CO2 emissions since 1992, and according to the Environmental Protection Agency, has reduced emissions by 88% since 1970.

This is where President Obama will have a hard time defending this job killing, stimulus pumping, agenda to the American people. As referenced by energy policy expert Nicolas Loris, of The Heritage Foundation:

let’s pretend we were able to stop emitting all carbon immediately. Forget the electricity to cool our homes in the summer months. Shut down the power plants. Stop driving our cars. No talking. The Science and Public Policy Institute found that the global temperature would decrease by 0.17 degrees Celsius—by 2100”

The second point to consider is that America is not the only country consuming coal—and producing carbon emissions—in fact the United States accounts for only 15% of the total coal consumption in the world!

Part of President Obama’s agenda calls for the United States to end support to overseas coal-powered plants. But just because we stop burning coal—as well as funding for other counties who do so—in no way will stop massive countries like China—who builds a new coal plant every week—to move to a more green energy plan.

If Obama’s polices are put in place, millions of Americans—who are effected directly or indirectly by coal—will lose their jobs as these harsh regulations will make it nearly impossible to produce a fuel that still today accounts for nearly 40% of America’s electricity.

This in turn will cause an increase the price of natural gas costing an average family of four to loss more than $1,000 dollars a year in annual income due to higher utility costs.

Most Americans are all for new energy sources that will work and help our country become energy independent, however to do so we must take a balanced approach, because not only does it keep overall energy cost down—but most importantly—keeps millions of Americans at work.

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